Settling in and enjoying the ambience

OK, we don’t live here, but we live nearby. This view being the wonderfully scenic region of the Glass House Mountains area of south east Queensland. Also near Woodford, renowned for its annual music festival, and many other activities throughout the year.

We drove in through this area on Saturday and as we were approaching on the undulating hills, we thought we could have been in the Yarra Valley area north east of Melbourne. Soon we also ventured into the gorgeous forests (note to self: stop taking the shortest route Google Maps suggests) approaching Beerwah and we could have been in the Dandenongs east of Melbourne. But we were not, and clearly we are now in a more temperate climate. It has been raining here and it is green and lush.

So many lovely places to explore in our new neighbourhood. An early morning walk each day is the plan. This morning included our second walk along the coastal area just after sun-rise. Lovely. Then an evening swim each day I am free, which is mostly all of them in the next fortnight. And in between times, various little jobs to do, as we work to integrate into our new community. So much to do, but thankfully, no urgency. Also some health and well-being to attend to too, as we fine tune our ‘mature’ bodies for our imminent adventures.

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