Our beautiful resort near Santa Marta, Colombia

Hotel Casa Barlovento. Our place to stay for three glorious and warm days. Our room with special views was the lower balcony looking out to sea.

As is usually the case, you just settle into the joyful and peaceful ambience and it is time to go. But wow, did we enjoy our short time here. Food was good, weather was superb and the scenery was spectacular.

On the in-between day, we did venture up to the coffee farm at Minca and did some shopping there too. Our local guide also found us a refreshing place by the creek for lunch on a warm day. We got to see some of the jungle on this day also and appreciated the diversity of Colombia, including its extensive mountain ranges.

Final day around the resort and we explored the local river and surf beach. We did not venture in for a swim as no patrol as the water was quite rough. See below for various images in this area. Wild-life included caymans, iguanas, humming birds and vultures. No too many problems with mosquitos although we did use some bug spray in the evenings. Cocktails were also enjoyed each evening.

A cayman in the local river. Would suggest similar size and similar threat (minimal) as Australia’s fresh water crocodiles.
Adjacent resorts on the nearby river and protected sanctuary for the caymans.
Same river near our resort.
Where the river meets the ocean. Not sure this building will be standing in… several years.
The local beach. Caribbean Sea. Several surfers but not advisable for swimming per safety.
More tranquil river. Yes, it was a picture postcard place.
Moon time, early morning.
Full moon rise early evening. Sadly, the cloud hid the initial exposure over the sea, but soon it was revealed above the clouds. Of course, this picture does not capture how beautiful and serene it was.

And then it was time to leave. Early morning start to get to Santa Marta airport. Short flight back to Bogota without incident. Now very comfortably ensconced in our hotel near the airport in readiness for an earlier arising to start the long journey home, via Houston, Los Angeles, Brisbane, the shuttle home.

Not the greatest of images but soon after we took off from Santa Marta we passed by the famous Sierra Nevada mountain range, to our east. After just leaving the balmy weather of Santa Marta, we observe the snow on these awesome mountains. Apparently they rise to an elevation of 5,710 metres (around 18,800 feet).

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