November 2019

Noticing nature is good for our health.

Look beyond our urban constructions, and there is a truly awe-inspiring world of colour, depth, paradox, and inspiration. And an infinite source of joy and discovery. This morning in a sleepy country town, I was rewarded by one of the most vivid sunrises I have ever seen. Wow! It was….

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Gratitude is a road trip.

So grateful to travel the Kimberley in Australia’s far west. So privileged to do so. Being appreciative for those who construct and maintain these roads. So I can have a short cut, or get to my destination safely. Thanks to the people who labour in the heat and remote conditions…

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Can I believe what I am seeing?

Yes, kangaroos do hop down the main street of many towns in Australia. At least this picture says so. But could it be fake? Do I need to see to believe? Are some goannas so docile to appreciate a peck on the cheek as they bask in the sun? Who…

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Perspective. I love the word and its contemplation.

Perhaps that’s the point. Perspective is about contemplation. In the era of rapid gratification achievement, in an effort to feel better when we are presently feeling worse, we lose perspective. We fail to contemplate as we prioritise short term goals. To satisfy a greedy and egocentric physical self, at the…

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Brisbane. Getting to know the river city.

Nice to get to know the river city in south eastern Queensland, Australia. Wedged between the beautiful and spectacular beaches of both the Sunshine Coast to the north, and the Gold Coast to the south, it seems Brisbane is increasingly celebrating its river bounty. Sometimes in excess, but usually plentiful…

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