February 2019

Comparison is the thief of joy (Theodore Roosevelt)

Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life thinking it is stupid.  (Albert Einstein) “There are people worse off than me”. We encounter this mantra often. So say those who believe they are being humble,…

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The (many) tree(s) of knowledge

A symbol of so much more. A memorial to the shearers’ strike of 1891 and consequences of same. Barcaldine, central Queensland, Australia. As I contemplate this post, I pondered alternate titles, including some less succinct or positive. ‘The sadness of needing to be better than our leaders’. Some of our…

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Beyond the black stump

Words, pictures, imagery and metaphor. Its quite funny to actually visit the place of origin of this very Australian metaphor. I wonder what the equivalents could be in other countries? I have written before about the interaction between words and pictures, language and imagery. The common expression that a picture…

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The tragedy of the commons

Who will provide the grand design, what is yours and what is mine?‘Cause there is no more new frontier, we have got to make it hereWe satisfy our endless needs and justify our bloody deedsIn the name of destiny and in the name of God The Last Resort.  Glenn Frey…

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Out of the frying pan … into the fire (flood)

This century, many places in the world are experiencing record-breaking weather events, including drought, bush-fires and floods. Here in my country, in Western Queensland, those on the land have endured a seven-year drought. (Gascoyne River, Carnarvon, Western Australia). Then the rains came, and rained and rained, and rained some more….

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When enough … is enough.

Opulence, extravagance … or honourable, inspirational and reverential? When is enough money, for one individual, enough? And should those who have acquired extreme wealth, such as contemporary billionaires, be obligated to share their excessive wealth, whether via exceptional taxation legislation, or other civilised means? These thoughts came to my consciousness…

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