Day nineteen of the 20/20 success story – gratitude is the beginning

The beginning of a life liberated from resentment, pettiness, depressed mood and antagonising others. Sure, not something we can all achieve naturally. We need to practise our gratitude, intentionally. However, the reward for doing so is to free our minds to focus on what is most important, now and in the future.

Gratitude is related to appreciating and respecting the sacrifice and efforts of others. Like soldiers in war-time, or emergency workers in crisis in our homeland. The fire-fighters, paramedics, doctors and nurses in emergency departments, police, and so many more. We can be grateful for the kindness and efforts of others, often benefitting from the care and diligence of strangers.

When we embrace gratitude, we are in a mind-state conducive to productive behaviour and innovative thought. Our creativity flows in such a state, as opposed to the rigidity of survival mode where suspicion and hostility may reign. Be thankful every day and the world will be ‘your oyster’.

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