Seven doors down. Reaching out to your neighbour seven doors down, because those in-between would not, could not, or did not. But she did, and next thing you know, she was involved, the default next of kin in the family, given disapproving looks in the hospital when that person cursed and swore and was simply obnoxious. But still she persisted, because once committed, she stayed committed. She was authentic and not just there to make up the numbers. Some people are simply dependable, even when there are no thanks.
Six degrees of separation. Careful what we do to whom. A good reason to be kind. We are connected, one way or another.
Five speed gear box. OK, making up the numbers. Yes, we did have a team once called Five Speed. I guess it can also be a metaphor for how we live our lives. That is, do we live on automatic, or do we mindfully shift gears, on task, on message, on purpose, successfully, and mostly cruise in over-drive. I guess she is pretty flexible like that.
Four seasons in one day. Melbourne they say. Good song too. More of that flexibility. In her one day.
Triple bottom line. Economic, social, environmental. A well-balanced person, in mind, body and spirit. She is.
It takes two to tango. Sometimes, temporarily, but eventually, the other numbers intervene. Usually, her intervention is welcomed, as it causes useful asymmetry. Need to be flexible then.
And then there is … one. The loneliest number. Sometimes. Maybe, we are always alone. Maybe. Or not.
So we count it down. Then we can do it again. And again. And so on. I guess it is like friendships. We may not see her so often, but when we do, so refreshing. Thank you my (family) friend.
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